One day a man was walking along the beach and he came across a boy throwing back starfish that had washed up the night before. The man said,
"Boy, why are you doing that?"
"Because if they lay here in the sun they will dry out and die," said the boy.
The man said, "You can't save them all, so why does it matter?"
The boy picked up the a starfish and said, "It matters to this one," and threw it back into the water.
I can relate to that story. Danil is like a starfish and my family is like the little boy. We can't save all the orphans in the world, but it matters to Danil if he is saved.
I realize that not everyone can adopt, but there are many things that you can do to save a little “starfish”. You can donate, volunteer, or do something that the poor, rich, needy, hungry, and even you can do. You can pray! It’s easy, just think of what you would say to your father. You can thank him, ask him for help, ask for help for others, or pretty much anything! You may not know his answer right away but he will always answer. It may be yes, it may be no, but I have found it is often wait. He may speak to you himself, he send someone else to tell you, or he may give you signs. No matter what the answer is he will always answer you! He may not give you what you want, but what ever he does is for the best. He loves you!
This is one of my favorite stories. I related to this story also when your mom and dad told me they were going to adopted. I am so blessed to be a part of this family and will wear my starfish necklace proudly. So if you see this grandma wearing her starfish necklace, you will know it is because of the blessing this family has been give. Love you Abigayle, you are so special to me.
Posted by: grandma Apple | 06/23/2011 at 07:38 AM