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Monday, March 21, 2011


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Rochelle Cannon

OOO I love this picture, we only have the one picture of Dariya. Several families have been to her orphanage this year and seen her but nobody got pics =(.
Not everyone is called to adopt however, we are all called as Christians to take care of orphans so making donations to those that are adopting is one great way to support God's plan.
Can't wait for you to have him home. Our Aidan is going to be 8 soon. Let me know what size Danil is when you get him home we would love to send you anything that would help if the size works out.


Missy!!!! My husband knows your dad!! They have known each other since Shawn began working at Chrysler nearly 18 years ago!! They bumped into each other today at work :) Shawn shared our story and your dad shared yours. Sure is a small world.

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