My cup runneth over.
The new friends I meet that share the same experiences.
I had lunch this week with a mom who dreams of bringing her little girl home just like we dream of bringing home Danil. It was wonderful to share our hopes, joys and excitement.
The friends that want to help in any way.
What can we do to help you? I hear this from so many friends. And it makes me smile every time. A man that my husband works with took it upon himself to organize a pancake breakfast benefit for Danil today at the office. We love our friends and are so thankful for their love and support.
Family that has embraced the fact that we are bring a child home.
Danil is coming home to a very loving family. Grant is so excited to show his "little" brother the ropes. The first thing he wants to do it teach him how to draw a plane. Abbey is learning Danil's language so that she can communicate with him. The phrase she is working on "I love you"
My cup runneth over.
Our God has a mighty love for his children.
He shows me everyday a new blessing. It seemed like this week that what ever I read or studied in my bible, he would re-enforce it throughout my daily life. I would hear the same scripture over and over. It felt as though he was saying "Thank you for being in my word, now let me make sure you got it" I love that about him.
My cup runneth over
Yeah for friends that are helping you be the hands and feet of Christ! Such a blessing!!!
Posted by: Rochelle Cannon | Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 07:29 AM